PROJECT JINNI - 3 Months of Gamedev So Far

Today we finally decided to post something of our game, Project Jinni.

Working on a game for months, isolated,  is how the days go quickly. Now that the game has gone public, it feels like the time has slowed down a bit. We see the project in a slightly different light, at last. We hope by showing our game project that we will learn something new and get a break from the isolation that gamedev can sometimes be.

Project Jinni(PJ) is about a Jinni and his Lamp. What is a 'Jinni' you ask? Even we don't know yet. Genie is the most obvious answer, but we hope that as a Jinni the player will experience something that isn't the most obvious. But these characters is not how it all started...

3 months ago we wanted to form a game studio, and our go-to game project just had to be a 3d platformer. We've always enjoyed these games for their sometimes relaxing gameplay. And just like the often imaginative worlds of these games, we wanted to make a world filled with lovely characters and scary villains, but still mix them up. In Project Jinni we will also explore the gray areas of character alignments.

The gameplay of PJ is about flow. Gaining momentum, using momentum, and staying in a constant flow of movement. The player of course controls like any 3d platformer, but in addition to that you can slide to gain momentum. Sliding comes with a cost. The energy used for gaining speed is finite. But there's a few ways to regain that lost energy. We wanted to juggle, in a relaxing manner, the amount of energy that the player currently has. I think we've found something that we could work on.

This game will not be that difficult. It's not about, if you are able to play it, but more about how you are able to. Whatever that will mean...

So here was a quick first post. In the coming months we will hopefully have something else to share. Would be fun to write about other stuff as well, here and there. Please, remember to check out our video at the end of the article. Thank you for reading, and we hope to tell you more about the game soon. And if you'd like to get more into the development process, we have PunkoSoft Newsletter for just that.
